by Greg Kramer Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Gambits96!!! (Copyright Microsoft Corporation Inc.). Unfurl the sky scraper banners, its Gambits96! Buy the instructional video with your favorite stars from “Friends”, it’s Gambits96! Be forced to buy additional memory and crash your computer, its...Windows95?!? Sorry, new job and all. I got a bit carried away by all the drama. As most of you know, GameBits guru emeritus, Danny Novo, has moved on to far bigger and far better things; he got a real job. That leaves it to me to fill his cavernous shoes. I will endeavor to bring you everything you look to GameBits for: scenarios, cheaters (gasp!), plug-ins, and updates. Since I am new to this and y’all are the customers (and therefore always right!!), let me know if I botch something. Let me know if you want more of something and less of something else. Most people don’t want you to tell them how to do their job, but I not only want you to, I beg you to. If you folks don’t like what’s going up here, then exactly who am I pleasing? The Update Files Updates are new versions of programs that provide bug fixes or game enhancements to older versions. Sometimes an updater will fix a critical bug, sometimes it fixes something that has no bearing on your computer. You can come right here to find out what’s new and what it does. Then you can find the updaters you need on the IMG CD. If there’s a Read Me file included, read it; sometimes they give very good advice. This month we include: PowerPC Interrupt Extension - Found in the Essentials folder, this patch for System 7.5.5 fixes freezes that occur with that system. Make sure you install this if you are running System 7.5.5 Escape Velocity 1.03: Bug fixes and a few added features. Gabriel Knight 2 patch: Corrects some Unimplemented Trap and other memory-related errors, corrects lockup if you double-click when bypassing narration. Indy Car Racing II patch: Fixes system crashes in multi-player games, allows Mac users to host networked games with PC users, and adds support for Thrustmaster T2 pedals. Marathon Infinity Forge/Anvil 1.02 update: Primarily bug fixes but a few new features. MechWarrior 2 1.2 update: Minor bug fixes and support for Thrustmaster and Gravis devices, improved support for CH Products and MicroQue devices, performance enhancements on some machines, Mech variants can now be deleted, includes system enablers for 603e and 604e processors. Pac Mac Deluxe Update: Major bug fix and upgrade in some options. Phantasmagoria Patch: Game now detects whether Modern Memory Manager is on. This must be on to use the PPC version of the game. This prevents "System Error 11" and "Application Error 33" messages. Fixes an "Unimplemented Trap Error" which occurs if the "Quit" option is chosen at the end of a chapter, and the game is saved in the next chapter. Warcraft Map Editor 1.0a2->1.0a3: Paint bucket tool added, "Undo" menu item added, "Save As" menu item added. More for Your Game: Scenarios, Cheaters and Add-Ons We’ve collected all the new cheaters and scenarios we could find, and anything else we thought might help Mac gamers get as much enjoyment out of their games as possible. Cheaters can diminish your game experience if you’re not careful, but we trust you to know when to say when. Scenarios are usually made by our readers or others out there with the itch to create. We won’t take responsibility for their quality, but you’re sure to find some gems in what we bring you. The following is what we’ve found this month to give you more for your game. If you find any MFYG goodies that you wish to share with your fellow Mac gamers, please do let us know about them and we will pass them on. This month’s special goodie is Kali v. 10b4 for the Mac. This nifty little control panel fools your Internet-connected Mac into believing it is linked to an IPX network. Play Doom II, Descent II, and many more over the Internet. You can even play Warcraft II against PC-using opponents. Just connect to one of hundreds of Kali servers around the world and you are in multi-player heaven. The program is quite stable and the speed is impressive. Alas, 14.4 modem users need not apply. Note that this is beta software, so the usual cautions apply. Major games featured in MFYG this month are: Avara: We got lots of levels, saved games, and the first edition of U.V.A.R.A., the unofficial newsletter for Avara fans. Close Combat: This new addition to GameBits features a bunch of kickin’ replays. Dark Forces: Cheat codes, scenarios, and weapons folders. Let the Force be with you. Doom 2: More WADs including the new 32-level Mac-created WAD from The Macintosh Team (TMT). Escape Velocity: You name it we got it. Plug-ins, cheats, hacks, and pilot files. Marathons: Stuff for all three Marathon titles this month including an icon set and plenty of new levels and films. MechWarrior 2: Cheat codes and some killer Mech variants. Warcraft II: Ooooo my! What a selection we’ve got for you. We’ve got PUDs coming out our ears! Scores of ‘em. This is just he first collection; the months to come promise many more. We also dug up some sound files and icons. Other games this month include A-S Baseball, Afterlife, Bolo, Dinopark, Dirt Bike, El Fish, F-18 Hornet, Glider Pro, Gopher Golf, Hexen, Links Pro, Lode Runner, MacSki, Movod II, MS Flight Simulator, Playmaker Football, Realmz, SimAnt, SimCity 2000, SimTower, SlamDunk!, Solitaire til Dawn, Tetris Attack, Warcraft, Wolfenstein 3D, Wolfpack, and X-Wing. Help Us If you are updating your game, please send us a note with the changes you’ve implemented. A copy of your Read Me file would do fine. That way we will be sure to include you in our next issue. e-mail us at Also, if you have designed a scenario, cheater or any other item of interest to us here at MFYG, do let us know. If we get enough we might have a special section for IMG-reader-created stuff. Disclaimer All of the shareware files or free updaters listed above are available on this CD-ROM. Always apply patches, hacks, or updaters to a copy of your program and MAKE BACKUPS!! Nobody but you is responsible if you mangle your original.